Founder / Lead Consultant

Tom Kambouris

My entire life I’ve been in search of the right life-balance formula. Even with the “successes” of bootstrapping a business from start-up to acquisition (and a 7 figure payday) before my 35th birthday, to coaching professional basketball in Spain and England, to travelling around the world as a leadership and mindfulness consultant, I’ve always had one eye on “the other stuff”. No matter how many achievements checkmarked off the list or money deposited in the bank, I kept asking:

  • “How’s my mental, physical and emotional well-being?”
  • “What about my personal and professional relationships, how are they going?”
  • “Am I doing enough creatively?”
  • “How about spiritually?”
  • “Where does service to my community fit in?”
  • “How come more stuff doesn’t translate to more happiness?”
  • “Is this really it?”

My obsession with balancing multiple areas of fulfillment has been difficult terrain to traverse over the past few decades, but has also been incredibly worthwhile. Today, I’m the happiest, most available version of myself I’ve ever been – and getting better! That’s not just my opinion, it’s the opinion of the most important people in my life: my family, friends, colleagues and community.

Recently, my son, Bodhi, said, “Dad, it took you almost forever but you’ve finally found your “Jam”.

So, what has all this got to do with you? If life-balance is something you want to get a better handle on, we can help. Give us a shout, we’d love to work with you.

After all,  this is my Jam! 🙂