Our Services


Been thinking about your own fulfillment and happiness?

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Whether through virtual or in-person sessions, we’ll guide you in creating, monitoring, adjusting and maintaining your own balance formula. We work with individuals who want a balanced approach to meet all sorts of objectives, including:  general well-being, sports performance, career attainment, artistic creation, better relationships, more involved in community or causes, etc.


Join a group of like-minded people who have the same desire to live a more balanced and happy life while pursuing a similar area of interest. In your small community you’ll all touch base regularly to encourage and support each other’s balance formula journey.


Our workshops are tailored to meet your immediate and long-term needs. We’ll guide you through a framework to create your personal balance formula. Our workshops are unique in that we place a emphasis on post-workshop follow-ups to monitor how you are doing. When life’s challenges get in the way, we’ll help you adjust your formula to develop layers of resilience for you to maintain your well-being over the long haul.

When everyone on a team feels good, the team performs better.


We work with organisations around the world to raise the health and happiness of their teams. The results, noticed and measured almost immediately, reflect in higher levels of engagement, resilience and performance. Through a tried and tested follow-up programme, we’ll make sure individuals’ levels of well-being and their teams’ performance stay high over the long haul.

Sports and community

Is it possible to be part of a high performing team that monitors well-being and happiness as much as achievement of its goals? Not only possible but fundamentally important for the health and longevity of a team’s ability to consistently deliver short and long-term objectives.


Depending on the size of your team and its requirement, we’ll design 1/2, 3/4, full or multi-day workshops with appropriate follow-ups to keep individual members happy, which, in turn, keeps the team humming.


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